From teenage years I have been fascinated for the people that lived and settled in prehistoric times. in the Neanderthals, the Cro-Magnon, the reindeer hunters in the Paleolithic, more than 10,000 years ago, but also the early settlers in the Neolithic and Bronze Age between 400 and 500 BC. Not only by collecting the artefacts of their culture such as stone tools but also in studying their art, in particular the cave paintings and rock carvings. More recent history inspires me too. I catapulted some of our heroic figures into the contemporary era, to show how our view of the heroes of yesteryear is subject to change. Some examples of what I make:
Nature is art in itself. What nature makes in all its complexity and simplicity, I only can be stunned, humbled and inspired by. By taking a bit of nature into my Lab I try to catch some of my awe and bring it into my home. Some examples in my bugs, bulls, forests and landscapes.