Antoon Loomans
Welcome to my Lab

Buying, renting Artwork

All artworks are for sale (except for the original stone tools, masks, and outdoor artwork). Buying artwork looks simple, and it can be, when it gets straight to the heart and guts, getting touched by its complexity or simplicity. Yet, there there can be more to it: the story that is being told, a theme, subject that is chosen, the colors that are used, what inspires you & last but not least getting connected to the artist and vice versa. 

Getting here, you already made an important first step: showing an interest to see more and explore if it fits into your physical and mental space. It always works best to see artworks in real life: on a 6" screen it is difficult to see, feel, smell, or touch what you want to buy. Schedule a visit to my Lab, in Wageningen or Amsterdam, e.g., during open studio days (mostly in spring and autumn), or by appointment.  Don't hesitate to contact me by emailby WhatsApp, or by filling in the form.

Other options

Any artwork - collages, paintings, panels, photos - is also for rent for a period of one year maximum. The rent per month is 4% of the sales value. Contact me for inquiries about prices and conditions.  Read more...

I am also open for collaboration, for education, organizing workshops, etc. 
